My journey as a child of God has held many turns and twists. I have made wrong turns, chosen detours, taken u turns and even passed on a double line. Recently, I navigated the rocky road of sin and found not a dead end but forgiveness. I finally understood how clean and pure Jesus makes us if we just ask and receive. It was such a moment of joy and hope for me. My relationship with God became more intimate and true. In this new peace I felt so filled with the spirit and I was eager to do and be whatever He wanted. I jumped out of bed smiling and my first words and thoughts were of my Savior. My face began to hurt from the grin which stretched across my face. My family and close friends continued to ask what was different about me. At some point I became more full of myself and less full of Him. God worked so hard to change me into the child He saw and I shamed it by becoming a spiritual snob.
I walked through each day reflecting the joy of the Lord on my face; however my heart was tainted by my indulgence with judgment. I viewed others in the light of how they should be if they would change and be closer to God like me. I was short on understanding and long on opinions. I was quick to suggest change and offer examples on what I had done right in God’s eyes. Soon the only company I felt was suitable to be around a “Christian” like me was……myself. I stopped allowing God to move through me and began moving Him with me. I only wanted those around me to feel the love, hope and freedom of forgiveness I felt. Rather than be His guiding light to those people I tried to blind them with the light. When we take over for God was ruin the plans He has written for us. I know that my actions have hurt a few of my friends and for that I ask forgiveness from them as well as my heavenly Father. Tonight in Galatians I found the following verse,”But now that you know God or rather are known by God how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? (Galatians 4:9)
I no long want to be enslaved by my old roads. Going forward on this journey I want to be a guide to those in my life. Listening to His leadings and conducting myself according to His plan. The road blocks of my past are where they belong.