I wanted to take this time to share what I have spent the last seventy days doing on my walk with my Heavenly Father. Below is my testimony on being delivered from the sin of overeating. I have been taking part in a program called, The Lord’s Table which is available on www.settingcaptivesfree.com website. I now feed on the Lord and He satisfies me better than any food ever could. He is the “bread of life” as well as the “living water”. Praise be to the one who has helped me lose 25 pounds and gain a closer more real relationship with Him.
I, Tiffany Conn, was a glutton. I moved through my days looking forward to the next time I would eat. I turned to food, in happy and sad times. I used food as punishment and as comfort. I worshiped constantly at the altar of food. I never missed a day or a time to serve the god of overeating. I tried and participated in many different diets and weight loss programs. However, I always failed and ended up right back at the table feasting on shame pizza followed by a double scoop of guilt. I was overweight, lazy, and unhappy. It was a deep cycle with no hope. I felt like a failure and lived chained to a wall, unworthy of anything different. God brought me to me knees to see I was living in sin. He helped me to see that I was worthy enough for His Son to die in my place. 1Timothy 1:16 "But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in him and receive eternal life." Even though I was not treating my body in ways that pleased Him he sent His Son to die for me and to show me how to live. I cried to God, admitted I could not help myself and I need Him to break me from the chains food had over me. Through The Lord's Table program I learned that my focus was on the wrong things. I was living for my selfish desires which brought me moments of temporary empty satisfaction. I now crave His word and time at His feet. I no longer gorge myself on empty calories but feast on the bread and wine He gives in His word and presence. I no longer attempt to live for what the world offers with lies and falsehoods. I place my trust in the One who forgives and loves. I still fall, we all will, but my focus is on the victory the Lord gives over my sin. I no longer have to work within my ability to control my eating but on the strength the Lord provides when I trust and obey His word. God came into my stomach and my heart and He brings the true fulfillment. Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."