Have you ever had an encounter with a stranger and come away thinking you just saw God? For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 2 Timothy 1:7
Thursday night I had some time to kill before a gathering at a friend’s house. I slipped on some comfortable clothes and went for a walk/jog in the park. I was ready to stumble through the next step on the couch to 5K program. A nice breeze cooled my face and worship music set the pace for my feet. There were a number of people exercising on the park trail and we were all making the circle in the same clockwise direction. However, there was one older gentleman walking on the trail in the opposite direction. I noticed him at first for that very reason. When we first passed each other we exchanged smiles and a quick hello. The next time I came across him he said, “Good work, keep it up”. I have to admit it made me smile. The second time I was in a jog mode and he smiled and commented, oh yeah. At this point I was very encouraged by his comments on each lap and on time number four he simply smiled and gave me a thumbs-up. His effortless words of encouragement gave me then endurance for yet another lap.
On my last lap around the park I felt a true sense of triumph. Additionally, I could not shake the spring I felt in my step because of this man’s support to move forward. A smile spread across my face as I thought about how he cheered me on with each pass. Is there a parallel between God and the “encouraging” man? Did this man not do for me what God does for us daily? God sees each step we take and speaks words of encouragement giving us endurance to stay on the path. His words were not long or fancy they simply acknowledged my effort and urged me to continue on my course. I felt as if God was on that park trail with me in the form of a man I did not know. As I finished I waited for one last contact with the stranger but he was missing. Unexpectedly a black motorcycle mysteriously emerged and the rider put up this thumb and nodded. Yes, I think God would ride a motorcycle don’t you? May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. Romans 15:5.