It always seemed like I was alone with Him but there were others around. These well worn pine pews are as comfortable and strong as I imagined His arms would be. Knelt with closed eyes I heard sweet and angelic voices around me lifting up prayers to Him through song. It was in this historic chapel on a shaded canopy Tallahassee road that God came to meet me every Wednesday evening of my collegiate spiritual journey. Never in any other place had I felt closer to God. It was in that place that I was just His child. There were no intentions of sin and no spiritual expectations. I simply came to sit for a moment and be with my Father, Yahweh.
That place has been a faint memory a small bend in the trail through life. Back then the smells, sights and sounds were so real that I took them for granted. I never realized that place would not always be a part of my life. My confession is that I have not thought of that place since that last time I left, 16 years ago. Peering through a misty curtain of tears I turned from that chapel griping tightly the pain inflicted on my spirit there by a man of God. Strangely the past Friday night I was transported back there, a prodigal come home to the feast.
Dan Schutte came to our church for a weekend of music. Friday evening we gathered in our sanctuary to sing, worship and learn more about Dan and his gifts from God. I was moved by so many songs. Lyrics so rooted in scripture which whispered to my soul. "Yahweh, I know you are near standing always at my side" Those words that tune. As I closed my eyes and melted into that moment I was back in that chapel. I could feel that old worn wood pew, I could smell that scent of incense, and I felt Him slide in next to me. The words spilled out of my mouth like an childhood friend. I was 20 years old again and I was "daddy's little girl". My cheeks ached from the large smile that was now camped across my face. My opened hands rested on my knees and I felt His fingers brush across mine. By His own miracle I was reminded of those days when my realtionship with Him was young. I never thought I would be back in that place where I first felt my Lord touch me.
It was in that moment that I realized; as special a place as that chapel was in my past He was still near. God showed my that even though I was not physically in that chapel I am always merely a moment away from that feeling. My Lord's arms are strong and comfortable and there is no where I can go that will ever seperate me from His love. Thanks be to God.