Who does not like to feel special? I know where I am concerned I love to feel like I am valued and missed when I am not around. As a child one of things I liked to do the most was visit my Paternal Grandmother. We had a very special relationship and I learned so much about faith and the Lord from her. She had a practice of always making my favorite foods and filling her house with the things I liked the best. After I was engaged I went to spend a weekend with her and almost before I could cross the threshold she was showing off a special set of sheets she bought for the soon to be bride. Grandmama did those types of things often for all of her grandchildren. It was the way she showed us her unconditional love. At her funeral it was said that she always told each of us that we were her favorite. We all knew in our hearts that she was right.
As I think back to my Grandmama's red carpet treatment I am reminded of another who goes out of His way to make us feel special. "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." (John 14:2-3) Our heavenly Father sent Jesus so that he could prepare a special place for us, to pave the way for us to follow. He died for our sins so that we would be able to live with Him always. He went to heaven to get things ready for us. I love to think that right now He is getting my "room" ready. Maybe He is fluffing my pillows, arranging my favorite flowers on the bedside table, or filling the heavenly refrigerator with diet coke. Much like my Grandmama, God can not wait for us to come and stay with Him. He is so excited about our visit that He has gone out of His way to prepare a place for us. True to His word when the time is right He will come and take us to the place He has prepare. I can't wait to see the special sheets His has chosen for me.
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