The morning of our first work day in Ecuador Jan and I had plenty of nervous energy. The second year on this mission trip one would think that we were ready and fearless but we did have plenty of apprehension. The only thing we could picture was last years location. I could see that cement outside playground where we did crafts and read bible stories. However we were not going to that place so what would we find? How would things work? Jan, the definition of a dream Kindergarten teacher commented, "I just want to get into my environment and nest a little" That is exactly what we needed to feel comfortable and ready. We needed a familiar surrounding something to make us feel at home and remind us that God's love is universal no matter your surroundings. That afternoon we received that comfort from the very children we were sent to teach and love. After lunch we were told that the children wanted to perform a song for us. We were all so excited. We gathered outside and found the children lined up military style and at the ready. The music started and they marched and began to sing. Part of the way through the song we all realized they were doing a Spanish version of "A Tooney Ta". (which is a silly song that gets everyone singing and acting silly together.) As I joined in not really knowing the words we were singing I could follow the motions and I understood the intention behind the song. I looked around at every face, all smiles. The children of Ecuador smiling because they were doing something for us and we were joining right in with them. We were smiling because we were just having fun with a familiar event even if we did not understand all the words. At that moment I could not help but see that God's love is the same way. We may not speak the same language or all come from a similar background but when we begin to share Jesus we speak the language of love. God rejoices with us in that moment. For all we need to do is relax and allow Him to work in the situation He places us in. For He is the nest and sharing His love will break all those barriers and allow us to sing and dance together as His children.
You captured all the apprehension and (thankfully) joyful relief that we felt that first day at Aida Leon! I am so glad that we shared a second year together in Ecuador. One of the most precious experiences of my life!