As Christians we have two options, we can accept God’s gift of forgiveness and serve in the light of his love or we can deny that gift remaining in the emotional bondage of our sin. For the last 16 years, I chose the second option. I was chained by guilt to a secret which I carried into every aspect of my life. At the age of 21 I was a youth leader at a church in Tallahassee and I was pregnant. I believed the culture around me which said that I had a right to do as I wished with my body and I made a choice to have an abortion. I thought my life would get back to normal, problem solved right? Wrong. I traded a child for shame, guilt, and unworthiness. I was asked to step down from my leadership role at church and felt like a disappointment to those around me. As a result I became angry with God for my circumstances. I did not mind believing in him but I no longer wanted a relationship with him. I would call the shots and he would merely be my co-pilot. I lived this way for many years. In Romans 6:21 Paul asks, what benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of. My guilt and shame were taking me farther from God and closer to hell on earth. However, in verse 22 Paul reminds us we are set free from sin through Christ to serve God and harvest eternal life. Two years ago I finally grew tired of fighting God. I admitted to him I was sinner who could no longer handle my life; I need him to take over. I agreed to step aside and let him guide me. Slowly I began to seek a relationship with him and I felt him direct my feet, step by step. He placed this church with giving and compassionate people in my path. He led me to Christian friends who loved me and accepted me. He placed a pastor in my life who spoke forgiveness over me not judgment. He placed my feet in Ecuador for two years, where I learned I could serve him. Then he showed me the biggest step of all; getting involved with the pregnancy center. I remember sitting in my car in the parking lot of the center thinking, God are you sure? How could I be involved in the ministry of crisis pregnancy after what I had done? Could I, a sinner serve in the very mission field where I failed all those years ago? As crazy as it sounded to me God continued to lead me in that direction. I knew enough about God to know he was not going to rest until I knelt in his will. Through the center I participated in a bible study for post-abortion healing. It changed my life and tied three women to my heart forever. Alongside these women broken by abortion we read the bible, prayed, admitted our sins, cried and found true forgiveness. I now understood God’s sacrifice. I felt him heal the wounds guilt and shame left on my heart with the blood of his son, Jesus. I am loved, forgiven and no longer chained to my sin. I am free to serve him in the only way I know how, helping heal the hearts of those still dealing with the pain of their abortion. He calls us to use the burdens we have carried to help others who come behind us. However, we have to allow God to free us from the things that bind us. To be his vessel we must be empty of that sin. The journey to move from bondage to freedom is difficult and painful but God promises to be with us for every step and luckily for me each tear. Whatever bondage holds you today I pray you will allow God to heal you. He will not give up on you. He will continue to pursue you. He delights in turning our ashes of sin into the beauty of service to his kingdom. I leave you with 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 What a wonderful God we have, he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials. And why does he do this? So that when others are troubled needing our sympathy and encouragement, we can pass on to them the same help and comfort God has given us.
These were the words I was blessed to deliver to my church today. What an honor it was to share His message through the example of my life. What a mighty God we serve. A God who can take a quite emotional doormat person and transform her into a strong child of God who stands up for her convictions and the things He wants to do in her life. Amen and Amen.
Tiff, this is awesome stuff!! Amazing that you didn't weep--I did as I read it! Also, amazing that we both had this experience of sharing within days of each other! God is glorified! I love you, sweet friend and sister-in-Christ! I want to know how those present reacted, although we know that many will have to ponder this in their hearts for a while until they are eventually led to deal with it. Love that Romans 6:21 verse--perfect for the circumstances! I wish I had used it!! ~ Julie
ReplyDeleteTiffany~ Thank you for allowing God to use you. There is such a huge ministry need for people who have walked your path and have the honesty to express the Truth of the experience.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've always loved the thought that God uses us as His vessels. But He wants us to come to Him broken, not perfect and beautiful. For it is when we are broken, that His light can shine through the cracks of our life. And when we come to Him, He does heal us...but those cracks are still visible so others can see what a miracle His saving grace is.
I know that I haven't seen you in over 20 years, but I am blessed to call you my sister. Press on! ~~ Anne Marie
I was catching up on your blog and just realized that I was reading the testimony that you delivered at CUMC. Oh my goodness, how beautifully written! God bless you for that. You never know whose heart you touched that day!