I just love every Halloween seeing the costume my niece has chosen to wear. She has been everything from a lady bug, to a pretty witch and this year an owl. Her costume included a long shirt her mother glued felt feather on, tights and a felt feathered mask with a yellow beak. She looked great and the most favorite part for me was her mask. As I watched her and her friends dressed up posing for pictures I saw a sorceress, a kitty cat, an owl and wonder woman. How great they looked but under those costumes I knew who each one was and what they really looked like. At Halloween we may put on masks and become characters different from ourselves. Some may not recognize us in our disguise; however those who are in our lives know who we are and are not fooled by our masks.
As I drove home that night I could not help but think about the “masks” we wear in our daily lives. Often times I act a certain way because I think it is how those around me expect me to appear. I may smile and say things are great when inside I am hurting and lost. Sometimes I may laugh and pretend to be happy when I am really angry and want to yell. Most of my friends can see through my false facade and reach out to the real me.
What about the “masks” we wear in our walk with God? Do we sometimes tell Him we are happy and great when we really are confused and frustrated? Do we not ask forgiveness for a sin because it seems so awful that He would not love us anymore? Do we think that we can hide for those around us including God if we just choose the right mask?
Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the LORD. “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD. Jeremiah 23:24
Even if we think that we have the best “mask”, one which pleases all those in our lives God is not fooled. We cannot hide from Him no matter what disguise we pull over our heads. You see as declared in Psalm 139:13, He formed you in your mother’s womb. He made every part of you and knows what is in your heart before you even speak any words. As pointed out in Jeremiah, God created the heaven and the earth and all the things therein. Do we really think that a God capable of those things could not see past our mood mask? Whatever you find yourself struggling with today remember to take off the mask and be real with God.
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