Friday, July 15, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Seven)
Father God,
How wonderful is the evening which you created. It is a time for us to rest and remember all the beauty of the day. In the early morning when we rise to begin the day you have planned for us; at night we praise you for the work you have lead us to do and we seek you to gain strength and guidance for the next day. Tonight, draw close to the team in Ecuador as they look back over an amazing week serving you through sharing the gospel to the people of Quito. Help them to remember that it has been a week of planting the seeds of your love everywhere their two feet touched ground. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:11, “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Lord, I remember how difficult it was to leave this place when you feel in your heart there is so much for to be done and so many to reach. Comfort the team and give them the peace of this verse. May they feel a sense of achievement for the completed mission you gave them for such a time as this. May they comprehend the fact that work is just beginning and will continue in Quito long after they are gone. Lord, the love that was shown through medical needs, VBS projects, smiles shared and soccer played has taken root in the hearts of your people. As the days, weeks and even years pass those roots will grow strong plants which will bear fruit at the time you have appointed. Thank you Lord that we are able to send your followers to other lands to do the work that you have for them. Please lock this trip and all it special moments and memories away in their hearts. May they use them to recall how amazing your love is and how faithful you are to those who fear and love you. “Praise the Lord all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” Psalm 117 How your love will now endure brighter and greater in Quito forever and ever. All glory and honor to you! Amen
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Six)
Father God,
I pause in the middle of my work today to give you honor and praise. Even though the sky you have planned today over me is cloudy I find some comfort in the shade. For it is during the rain that we can be refreshed and grow, making us shine brighter when you again bring the sun. Thank you for knowing just what we need when we need it and the mercy from you to accept those things as your well prepared plan. As wonderful as your love is to our soul, make us mindful to share that love with others and not keep it prisoner alone in our selfish joy. Proverbs 25:16 “If you find honey, eat just enough – too much and you will be sick.” Lord, help us to see your love for us as honey. Bring us to a place where we will hold on to enough to satisfy us and use the extra to share with those who are hurting and broken. I praise you for the ability through technology to hear from those in Ecuador daily. Hearing firsthand about the blessing they are giving and receiving is such an encouragement. Today I read in Proverbs 25:25 “Like cold water to a weary soul, is good news from a distant land. “ What a reminder from your word of the mission team in Ecuador. The “good news” from them brings the happenings in that distant land so close. Seeing the smiles on all the faces is like a satisfying drink of cool water. How it pleases me and quenches my soul. My heart drinks in every drop. As the days of the trip draws to a close lift up your people. Give all those on the team just enough of your sweet honey to feed them as they share your living water with all who are in need. When they feel tired spark the desire deep within them to press on looking to you for grace and perseverance. Bless this team Lord with more of you than they ever thought was possible this side of heaven. Amen
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Five)
Father God,
At the end of a busy day I come to me knees to rest at your feet. I come to spend some quiet time lifting up my friends on Ecuador. I remember reading in Your word today from Psalm 112. “Praise the LORD. Blessed are those who fear the LORD, who find great delight in his commands. Their children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever. Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear; in the end they will look in triumph on their foes. They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor, their righteousness endures forever; their horn will be lifted high in honor.”Psalm 112:1-9
The verses brought my friends to mind and especially reminded my heart of the people Quito. It seems like David is talking about Your very South American children. These people are hungry for truth and they find such joy in Your commands. They understand Your love with faith like a little child. May the example of our church members give them the hope of Your unfailing faithfulness and compassion. May they feel the light of love in their current darkness. May that very light stay behind and take residence in their hearts. May they become willing disciples for you burning with the desire to share Your love. Amen.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Four)
Father God,
I am in awe today of your power. To know that you created us to last on earth a short time compared to your creations of the stars and planets yet you still love each one of us. You created time and space which were here before us and will be here after us; yet you planned each and every step of our being. How deep and how wide is your love for each of us your children? This attention to detail and the promise in your word that you know each hair on our heads is so far beyond my understanding. We confess that we do not always remember these truths. We often come to you with requests of selfish gifts. I am not even sure we can comprehend how small those needs compared to the plan you have written for us while we were yet in the womb. Today may we even if just for a moment live in the steps you have for our lives. Not next to them, beside or behind them. I pray that you so envelope our heart that we take each step inside your foot prints. Reaching out to those you have just for us, spreading your message through our mouths but as your voice. We long for each person who sees us to be blinded by the light of your Son shinning through the cracks of our sinful nature. We offer ourselves to you today empty, fill us and use us as your hands and feet. Thank you for allowing us to be your servants. Thank you that our smile can touch the heart of a child with no language necessary. Thank you for teaching us to love like you. Amen.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Three)
Father God,
How wonderful and majestic is your name in all of the earth. You are the God of my city and you are the God of Ecuador. You are also the God of our hearts. From the large expanse of the universe to the small intricate details of our human hearts you control it all. Too often we forget that a God who made all things come into being can actually control and guide us better than we can ourselves. Today in the city of Quito I pray that the team will be fully aware of that fact. May each member use today to open wide their eyes, ears, mouths and hearts to you. God dwell in those places they are scared to give over to you. As they surrender do things through them that will bless your broken and hurting people. May you be glorified. May you be known. May you be lifted high today and everyday! Amen.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador (Day Two)
Father God,
On this Sunday I have worshipped in a church with so many comforts; air conditioning, a piano, organ, sound system, cushioned pews and screens displaying music, videos and worship aids. At the same moment in South America my friends are worshipping in a church that doubles as a daycare and community center. Surrounded by concrete, they sit in plastic chairs and sing from a small paper handout. Thank You so much for the wonder of these two settings. Your holy spirit dwells in both places and is alive in the hearts of those seated in the pews and the plastic chairs. Your awesome love is not restricted to a particular community, state or country. I pray continued protection over the mission team as they begin their first full day in Ecuador. May all that they see and experience bring them closer to You. Open their hearts to the city they tour today but will serve tomorrow. Allow their eyes to see the beauty and glory around them which reflects Your creation. Prepare their minds to be Your hands and feet to the people of Ecuador. May all those they contact tomorrow see not people from America but the sweet glow of your mercy and love.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Prayers for Ecuador. (Day One)
Five very special people in my life left for a mission trip to Ecuador this morning. I wanted to take this time to share the prayers I will lift up for them everyday they are away from us.
Father God,
Thank You so much for a beautiful day set aside to worship You. I celebrate Your power and love for each of us, Your children. We confess that we do not always take full advantage of the times You give us to serve You. We are often scared and worried about how we are to do Your work rather than just doing Your work. I thank You that there are five of Your children from CUMC heading to Ecuador to be Your hands and feet. Thank You for the message of forgiveness and love You send with them. I ask that You be real to them today as they travel to South America. Comfort their fears, settle their nerves and uphold them with Your powerful hand. Amen.
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