Father God,
How wonderful is the evening which you created. It is a time for us to rest and remember all the beauty of the day. In the early morning when we rise to begin the day you have planned for us; at night we praise you for the work you have lead us to do and we seek you to gain strength and guidance for the next day. Tonight, draw close to the team in Ecuador as they look back over an amazing week serving you through sharing the gospel to the people of Quito. Help them to remember that it has been a week of planting the seeds of your love everywhere their two feet touched ground. I am reminded of Isaiah 55:11, “It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Lord, I remember how difficult it was to leave this place when you feel in your heart there is so much for to be done and so many to reach. Comfort the team and give them the peace of this verse. May they feel a sense of achievement for the completed mission you gave them for such a time as this. May they comprehend the fact that work is just beginning and will continue in Quito long after they are gone. Lord, the love that was shown through medical needs, VBS projects, smiles shared and soccer played has taken root in the hearts of your people. As the days, weeks and even years pass those roots will grow strong plants which will bear fruit at the time you have appointed. Thank you Lord that we are able to send your followers to other lands to do the work that you have for them. Please lock this trip and all it special moments and memories away in their hearts. May they use them to recall how amazing your love is and how faithful you are to those who fear and love you. “Praise the Lord all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is His love toward us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” Psalm 117 How your love will now endure brighter and greater in Quito forever and ever. All glory and honor to you! Amen