Father God,
I am in awe today of your power. To know that you created us to last on earth a short time compared to your creations of the stars and planets yet you still love each one of us. You created time and space which were here before us and will be here after us; yet you planned each and every step of our being. How deep and how wide is your love for each of us your children? This attention to detail and the promise in your word that you know each hair on our heads is so far beyond my understanding. We confess that we do not always remember these truths. We often come to you with requests of selfish gifts. I am not even sure we can comprehend how small those needs compared to the plan you have written for us while we were yet in the womb. Today may we even if just for a moment live in the steps you have for our lives. Not next to them, beside or behind them. I pray that you so envelope our heart that we take each step inside your foot prints. Reaching out to those you have just for us, spreading your message through our mouths but as your voice. We long for each person who sees us to be blinded by the light of your Son shinning through the cracks of our sinful nature. We offer ourselves to you today empty, fill us and use us as your hands and feet. Thank you for allowing us to be your servants. Thank you that our smile can touch the heart of a child with no language necessary. Thank you for teaching us to love like you. Amen.
Wonderful Tiffany.