On a typical Florida summer day, melting under the roasting sun, I drag myself to the refrigerator searching for some liquid relief. The first thing that catches my eye is a frosty silver can of diet coke. I pop the top and drain the can in three long gulps. The bubbles cool my throat instantly and I feel my thirst quenched. My face cuddles with the can as the cool wet metal merges with my hot perspiration. I collapse in the nearest chair feeling my body temperature return to normal as I release satisfaction through a deep sigh. Resting there for a moment a new thought rears it's head.......I am still thirsty!
Jesus, early in his ministry traveled through Samaria and encountered a woman at the well drawing water. She was at that well gathering water for her thirst, as she did everyday. For her this action was just a chore she performed often. That day Jesus would use that simple chore to satisfy the woman's eternal thirst. The two exchange conversation and Jesus points out the uncomfortable, sinful life the woman has been living. The woman hears about the living water that is offered from a Messiah which she awaits. He reveals Himself to her as the awaited one and her eyes are opened. She leaves her water vessel and returns to town telling others about the Man who knew her better than she knew herself.
This story from John 4:1-42 was the basis for the most moving and real sermon I have ever experienced. My pastor weaved this encounter into an example of the shortcomings we face as Christians immersed in the material world. He pointed out that this woman, like many of us, had been satisfying her thirst in all the wrong ways. The life she was living was not fulfilling and caused her to return to drink time after time. Jesus offered her living water, His grace and love would fill those empty places which to her seemed unquenchable. Often times as Christians was are trying the fill the holes in our souls with worldly things. What we often miss is that those things only claw at our soul making craters out of pot holes. Jesus wants us to come to Him for our needs. God sent His son to us to fill the craters in our souls with His love and unconditional grace.
Anyone, especially my mother, would tell me the best thing for a thirst is water. Even though that diet coke seems to cool my face and wet my throat it does not quench my thirst. It only brings me back to the refrigerator wanting and needing something else. My hope is that we will all remember when hot to drink the water that will satisfy; and when faced with the holes in our soul welcome Jesus' eternal sacrifice of grace.
Great job Tiffie. Keep on blogging to the glory of God. I am so proud of you. There is only one who can quench our eternal thirst and His name is Jesus.