This past week Americans have been recalling and sharing where they were 10 years ago on September 11th 2001. I heard many stories about people calling family and friends or falling to their knees in prayer. Some told of picking up their children from school and being glued to the television set. In every report of that day people were changed and called to action in those very first moments. As I listened to the whereabouts of friends, coworkers and fellow church members I hoped no one would turn and ask me to share.
Ten years ago I was working in accounting at a Funeral Home in Ocala Florida. I was the supervisor for a single mother who made her living on drama and a prayer. So when she came to me that morning speaking with quick excited words about New York, a plane crash and turning on the radio; my reply was simple, “No Barbara, you have work to do and the radio is not appropriate as front office entertainment for our grieving families.” I went right back to my task a bit upset I had been interrupted. Moments later one of our pre-need counselors enter the back office visibly upset. When I asked what was wrong he recounted much of the same details I heard from my co-worker. My mind turned to how much time I was losing accomplishing the tasks on my “to do list” listening to the same stories I again. After a few moments he left the room and I went back to my work.
I was so foolish and ignorant, I must have seemed like a senseless animal to you. Psalm 73:22. These words written so long ago by David seem to best illustrate my indifferent actions that morning. It was not until about lunch time when I seemed to grasp the magnitude of what was happening to our Country. I was filled with fears, questions and dread. However, I was also overcome by my selfish actions and my lack of humanity. I could not even pry myself from my menial earthly duties to notice the mayhem around me. For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. James 3:15 I was not just wrapped up that day in the coat of many me sins. That morning is just a mere reflection off the window to my heart. I conducted my days in a way that brought me pleasure and worldly success. I was a model employee often making the boss happy first and never stopping to relate to those around me.
Sunday morning, September 11th 2011, my Faithful Savior, graced me with a moment to alter my reactions ten years before. As my Pastor preached on the hope for America ten years after that fateful day, I understood. That day tore down a foundation that held such promise and permanence for us as Americans. Many swarmed to churches looking for what was still standing. We longed to know that in all the death and destruction something had survived. Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 What still stood after all the fire, smoke and confusion, the same One who stood on September 10th 2001; the Creator of Heaven and Earth. You see it does not matter how I reacted in the past but it is what I now choose for my future. Ever since that historic day I have been awarded mercy and grace in Jesus Christ. I have crawled humbly towards the cross, spouting an endless list of sins and failures, turned my face to the light of His forgiveness and left my ugly, hard “to do list” heart behind. In exchange, what is left standing is the restored fertile land of my soul plowed, worked and harvested by my Faithful Everlasting Savior
Thank God for our future and the hope we have in Him!