My stomach was doing cartwheels as my mind taunted me like a school yard bully. What was I thinking? How was I going to finish the race I wasn’t even sure I could start? I inched my way to the very back of the pack and waited for the gun to signal the beginning of first chase. I pressed play on my iPod and cranked up the sound; both to give me the hope of the inspirational music and to drown out the thunderous beating of my heart.
The course itself was beautiful. The rolling hills kissed the early morning orange of the sunrise as the dew shimmered with a quiet response. I struggled with a quick walk on the inclines and ran cautiously on the downhill slants. I was enjoying a different time of worship with my Heavenly Father as His word in song pushed me along. Scamper along a path freshly mowed by the pounding of earlier runners I felt God with me. There was a constant whisper in my ear that I could do this through the One that gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13) When I grew tired I was reminded that if I trust in God I will run and not grow weary. I would be carried like the wings of the mighty eagles on the wind. (Isaiah 40:31) God was continually giving me encouragement and speaking His love over me. (Jeremiah 31:3) He promised on that course to show me His love if I would obey, putting one foot in front of the other.
Agape is defined in Corinthians 13:7-8 as patient, kind, humble, trusting, protecting, hopeful and unfailing. Recently in my bible study I have discovered that this love is not about emotion but about the act of surrender and a desire developed by need. It is a person throwing aside their own accomplishments and deeds to draw close to another with encouragement and support.
Around a bend and up a hill I could spot a wall of smiling people gathered to witness finish after finish. It was in that moment I knew I was going to complete this race. A feeling of intense victory washed over me. My breathing speed up and tears spilled over my checks like crashing ocean waves. I prayed for God to quiet my emotions and bring me to a strong finish. I gathered myself as I caught the sight of my family waiting at the end, cheering for me. I heard God tell me, Look up my love is here. There were unruffled, sturdy footsteps joining mine and an audible voice. “Go girl you got this, push it.” Over 20 minutes before my brother passed over this same black mat stretched out in front of me. But here in these last 200 feet he joined me and together we crossed the finish line. Here was God’s love; this was my tangible piece of agape.
My brother had already finished the 5K. There was nothing in it personally by crossing the line again. However, he knew his sister needed to know she was not alone. (1 Peter 3:8) He recognized I was weak and tired. He saw my need and responded with humble sacrifice. What a moment. A shared finish with a brother who was always beside me in love and support regardless of where I was, what I had done or if we agreed on the matter. My example of agape in tennis shoes and gym shorts running over a 5K finish twice!
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