I woke up Wednesday morning to flashes of light followed closely by booming thunder. Normally I would stay in bed a little longer and talk myself out of placing my feet on the floor. However, I knew that due to the wicked weather outside I would need extra time to wade into work. Driving in the rain is not one of my favorite things and I was already getting white knuckles and hives thinking about my path to work. There is always something about a stormy morning that takes my attitude straight into a deep dark pit. I feebly sang praise songs as I drove and played with the speed of the windshield wipers. My thoughts were mottled and empty of any of the joy I normally had in my drive time with my Heavenly Father.
As I parked close to the building I struggled with my new umbrella. Finally bulling it to open, I rapidly walked towards the door. All I could think of was if only this day would have started brighter. I did notice that even the birds did not like this day because they were nowhere to be found. I missed seeing them and hearing the welcome of their song as I began my day. I wondered how long it was going to rain and what I would do for lunch if I could not get out and walk around the park. Maybe I should have worn something warmer or possible different shoes. I wanted things to change so that I could change my attitude. I was doing nothing but complaining while I waited for things to change.
Sitting at my desk I begin to fix my spread sheet and print out a report that needed to be checked and balanced. I gazed out the front window wondering if the rain had stopped yet. I saw the clouds beginning to separate and the sun peering through. Then I noticed about 10 birds circling above the trees. They dipped over and under each other repeatedly. I could feel their joy in finally being able to take to the sky again. It was then I felt a nudge in my heart. “Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10 The birds have this verse built into their very nature. While I spent the morning complaining about all my circumstances they laid low in the brush and waited in silence. Once the weather cleared they soared to the highest point and celebrated, praising the only way they knew how. I pray I will learn when those storms of life come I can wait silently under the shelter of my Savior. May I have faith in the knowledge that He is God and when the storm passes may I choose to honor His promises with much soaring and praise.
Love your honesty in the struggle. I've definately known those kind of rain-cloud days...I like the picture you use for your profile. It gives me an idea for a post ;)...keep writing dear, sister, and one day we're going to meet.