Sunday, January 29, 2012
No Net?
Do you ever feel alone?
No I mean really alone?
Like the Savior has done enough?
You’re supporting it all and your shoulders are giving way.
Trying to be the perfect wife, sister, daughter and friend but still not pulling your weight.
Feeling there is more you can take on, more you could do, more ways to help.
Sitting waiting for the inevitable and preparing for the crash.
Ready to scoop up all the mess around you, heal the pain, wipe away the tears and sing praises.
When meanwhile you’re falling fast and there is no net.
As I was clearing out some old books I found the above poem scratched desperately on the back of an old email. As my eyes retraced the words on the page, I was transformed back to the day I wrote it. I remember sitting in my car in the parking lot of my work place in Ocala. I can remember the pain and desperation I felt. I was overcome by a sorrow which blackened my heart. I silently beseeched the emptiness for a reprieve. But there I sat transferring my ache to a white sheet of paper. The more I wrote the more I felt trapped in a cage I let no one else see. Standing right next to me that day was my Savior with a key to the door. However, I was so terrified of never finding the bottom of the pit that I failed to hear my Lord inviting me to jump with faith into His net of unwavering love.
“We have escaped like a bird out of the fowler’s snare; the snare has been broken, and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the LORD who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 124:7-8 What a mighty Savior who continued to pursue me regardless of my ability to turn tail and run faster and farther. Even though I can remember that day and feel each cold tear stream down my face I am no longer that scared girl hiding in dark desperation. I am thankful today for a glimpse back at how far He has carried me from my murky rusty cage to His radiant light and life. I still have days where I feel down and frustrated but I now run toward my Savior with outstretched net like arms. I rest in His lap and listen to the symphony of His sweet truth that I am worthy, beautiful and free.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
This day was originally designated in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan to inform and honor the importance of life. It is placed on the calendar to mirror the date Roe vs. Wade was passed into law, January 22nd 1973. Since then many churches and pro life groups use this day and month to inform and educate others on what God says about life and its value.
Over 19 years ago if someone told me I would be standing here today telling you about this event I would have told them they were crazy. For me this day always brought painful reminders of my choice. I never set foot in a church on this day. I never heard a pro-life pastor sound the call to a congregation. I had however, been smack upside the face with displays in a church yards. Is this display attention grabbing? Yes. But is it healing? Is it inviting?
Last Sunday Pastor Mike shared with us what makes up the heart beat of the church. Invite, Inform, Involve. What a wonderful measuring tool to hold up to each of our events and our hearts as the church body.
In 2006 a woman named Rose Mawhorter stood across the street from an abortion clinic with a gory sign around her neck about what was happening in the four walls of the clinic. From behind her another woman ran at her, knocked her to the ground and with screaming and ugly words ripped the sign from Rose’s neck. The woman ran into the street clutching the sign and fleeing with everything she had from the scene. There were many comments on Rose’s website about the events. Many said she had most likely had an abortion and she just could not deal with the truth. The individuals who caught this event on tape said these words. ” I was the cameraman on the day Rose was assaulted and can tell you clearly that your reaction is probably right on. I too thought that she must have been very hurt by her experience. To have such anger pent up that a mere demonstration causes her to explode in such a way tells me she should be getting help.” Yes, this woman does need help but the people at the protest that day were so blinded by the issue they were championing that they only saw this attack as way to make pro-life the victim. Was their mere protest healing? Was it inviting?
Let me share with you a different example. A woman from Texas named Abby Johnson was a successful director of Planned Parenthood. She had climbed the ladder of the organization and was doing well at her job. Outside the clinic a group or Christians daily went to gather and pray. They often spoke to Abby as she walked to and from the doors to her job. One even gave her flowers and told her to have a good day. Abby saw them day after day speaking to the people who approached them. They were so different from the other protestors. They carried no sings they did not raise their voices; In fact most of the time they simply knelt in silent prayer. One day Abby Johnson exited the doors of that clinic, walked up to those individuals and asked for help. You see she was ready to make a change and to leave the job which she finally saw as hurting and not helping. She needed help and hope and she went to those peaceful demonstrators. They embraced and hugged each other and prayed. Abby Johnson felt invited.
Paul says in his letter to the Church in Corinth these words. “Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. We can be a body of Christ allowing judgment and condemnation to become healing and restoration. We can Invite, inform and involve. We can reach out and love those people who God places in our church, or work place, our school and our path with understanding and hope. I know we can because it was done with me. I was invited by many of you to come to this church. I was informed by many of you God’s love for me and the truth of the forgiveness for my mistakes. I was asked to be involved to spread that love outside these walls by many of you. We all carry burdens and mistakes from our past. I pray that on this Sanctity of Life Sunday we will understand and see that all life has value and with the love of Christ in our hearts and extended through our hands we can draw others to that same love we so dearly praise here Sunday after Sunday. This month we have been collecting diapers to share with others in need. So far you have brought in 850 diapers which will be donated to the Wakulla Pregnancy Center. Regardless of how different their choices in life are from yours you are showing God’s love. Invite, Inform and Involved. For all life God created is precious and has value no matter the mistakes and burdens it holds.
I was blessed today to bring the above message to my church family. I am continually humbled at how God can and will use us if we step forward in faith. He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8 During this month set aside for the Sanctity of Life may I always remember that all life is created and valued by God. From the womb to the grave and especially those holding on to a burden of shame and guilt which robs them of the life planned for them. May we as your people learn to heal and not hurt each other.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Through the Storm
I woke up Wednesday morning to flashes of light followed closely by booming thunder. Normally I would stay in bed a little longer and talk myself out of placing my feet on the floor. However, I knew that due to the wicked weather outside I would need extra time to wade into work. Driving in the rain is not one of my favorite things and I was already getting white knuckles and hives thinking about my path to work. There is always something about a stormy morning that takes my attitude straight into a deep dark pit. I feebly sang praise songs as I drove and played with the speed of the windshield wipers. My thoughts were mottled and empty of any of the joy I normally had in my drive time with my Heavenly Father.
As I parked close to the building I struggled with my new umbrella. Finally bulling it to open, I rapidly walked towards the door. All I could think of was if only this day would have started brighter. I did notice that even the birds did not like this day because they were nowhere to be found. I missed seeing them and hearing the welcome of their song as I began my day. I wondered how long it was going to rain and what I would do for lunch if I could not get out and walk around the park. Maybe I should have worn something warmer or possible different shoes. I wanted things to change so that I could change my attitude. I was doing nothing but complaining while I waited for things to change.
Sitting at my desk I begin to fix my spread sheet and print out a report that needed to be checked and balanced. I gazed out the front window wondering if the rain had stopped yet. I saw the clouds beginning to separate and the sun peering through. Then I noticed about 10 birds circling above the trees. They dipped over and under each other repeatedly. I could feel their joy in finally being able to take to the sky again. It was then I felt a nudge in my heart. “Be still, and know that I am God!” Psalm 46:10 The birds have this verse built into their very nature. While I spent the morning complaining about all my circumstances they laid low in the brush and waited in silence. Once the weather cleared they soared to the highest point and celebrated, praising the only way they knew how. I pray I will learn when those storms of life come I can wait silently under the shelter of my Savior. May I have faith in the knowledge that He is God and when the storm passes may I choose to honor His promises with much soaring and praise.
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